Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bonjour à Tous!

I hope that everyone is doing well and has a wonderful week that has brought you plenty of joy and happiness. Everyone deserves to have a good week.... and even if it is always evident that it was a good week, I know you can all find something good out of the week. This last week, has definitely been good, and as always a bit crazy. I will start out by telling you that I am staying in Toulon for another six weeks so you can continue to send mail here, but I do have a new companion. His name is Elder Milman and I am excited for this next transfer because I really think we are going to get along great.

As far as describing the week, I am going to have a little bit of trouble because I left my planner from last transfer back in the apartment so there might be some holes but I am going to try and remember everything as best as I can.

Monday night we had a family home evening with Soeur Wutrich, her daughter Manon, and her friend Laura. We also brought Rudi along with us too. Not only were the girls more than excited, it was good for Rudi to spend sometime with members. Of course that meant that everything had to be translated, but oh well. Everyone had a good time and it was fun for us because we prepared some activities to do for something a little bit different.

On Tuesday, we started out by having a District Meeting in Marseille that was pretty good. It was nice to see everyone. Since I was in Marseille with another equipe of missionaries in the same apartment and another the city, we saw other missionaries a lot but out here in Toulon we are a bit more isolated, so it is nice to be able to see everyone once in a while. After the District Meeting, I had an exchange with Elder Barber and we headed straight away to Toulon to have a rendez-vous with Pascal. It was really good. Elder Meservy and I had planned to talk about some commandments but I really felt like we needed to talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which entails baptism. Apparently they have never even talked to him about baptism before and although he would not engage himself he was glad that we talked about it so that he understood exactly why we come and what our desire is for him.

Afterwards, we headed to the church to go and help Hector prepare for his class that he had to teach on Friday. Before we started helping we talked about baptism and he said that right now he can't commit but that it is something that he would like to do. With him, I am not sure if it will be in a month, a year, or five years, but he will get baptized. It's not just for no reason that he drives all the way to us for help, there are plenty of other people that he could get help from. After him, we went to the Wutrich's house again because Elder Barber stayed in Toulon for about 8 months of his mission and when they found out that he was coming, they made us fix a rendez-vous with them. Anyway, it was another good lesson with them and he said that Laura has really made so much progress since he was in Toulon.

On Wednesday, we switched back companions in the morning and then continued on with our day.... as far as specifics.... I hate to say that I cannot remember them just on head and I am wracking my brain for Thursday too... and nothing is coming, other than after English class, we taught Rudi with Laura and Manon and shared some scriptures, it was a good rendez-vous and we had some pizza with Rudi afterwards.... as usual. Haha

On Friday we had an exchange with the Zone Leaders and so I went to Aix-en-Provence with Elder Yang and then Elder Larsen stayed in Toulon with Elder Meservy. Not only was it that but it was also the much anticipated transfer calls day. Since I was with Elder Yang, we were driving in the car to Aix and President Carter called so I answered and since he was already talking with me he told me that I would be staying in Toulon and that Elder Milman would be coming to join me. So of course, all day the phone kept ringing from all the missionaries in the zone regarding transfers, so it was fun to hear what was happening everywhere. As far as the day in Aix, they didn't have too much fixed so we had a day with quite a bit of contacting. Which isn't always my favorite, but it was surprisingly a good day. It is cool to see how different missionaries contact. It is definitely true that everyone has their own very unique and personal style. We met some very cool people and got quite a few snaps.

On Saturday morning, we drove back to Toulon and on the way it was cool to see the French countryside by the auto route because normally I see it from the train and by the auto route you pass some smaller cities and it was really cool to see just how absolutely beautiful a country this is. This is such a beautiful place and there are so many little vineyards everywhere and hidden châteaux . It was really cool. I would definitely recommend a trip to southern France! :) We met back up with the Elders and they just finished a rendez-vous with Jocelyne and they tried fixing a baptismal date for her but she wouldn't fix it. She said she wasn't yet ready. So after that, we had the zone leaders take us to our next rendez-vous, since it was on the other side of town. It was with Michel Calderini who wanted to have a rendez-vous before Elder Meservy left, we had a good rendez-vous with him and ate lunch with he and his wife and then went to Anthony's house who happens to live right down the street. We talked with him quickly and we left to head back to the apartment to change for Samedi Sportif. We changed and then went to play some basketball with Hassina, Anthony, Manon, and Laura. In the evening we basically spent most of it for Elder Meservy so that he could pack his bags. He was a bit sad to be leaving Toulon but I think he understood that it was definitely time for him to leave.

On Sunday, we had Laura come to church, all by herself too because Manon is in Paris right now and that was awesome. She used to never come to church all by herself. We also had Michel Calderini come, which is the second time in the last couple of weeks since the missionaries have been teaching him for years! Also Jocelyne came of course and then a less active member who we oddly found on the bus the day before and then Anthony came too. At the end of Sacrament Meeting, which is the last hour in France, Elder Meservy went up to Jocelyne to tell her bye and she told him that she decided to fix a date for the 9th of April!!!!! He asked what made her decide and she said that it just came natural, she just felt like it was the right thing and that she needed to do it. YAY!!!!! We are very excited. After church, Thomas came and we talked to him and actually engaged him for baptism too. It was pretty cool. The rest of the day we stopped by a couple people and then that evening we saw Rudi. He actually didn't come to church on Sunday because he had made some poor choices on Saturday night. He said that Sunday was a horrible day for him because he just felt absolutely horrible. We had a good rendez-vous with him and gave him a blessing. He said that he just kept thinking all day, I just want to turn my life over to God, I am so tired of living this way and feeling this way. We tried to fix a date but he doesn't feel like he can fix a date until he knows for sure about all of this and he can't receive his answer as he continually breaks commandments. So in a way it was a good miracle with him. I hope he can continue to progress and to search out the good things.

Monday, we went to Marseille for transfers and then Elder Milman and I got back into Toulon late in the afternoon and did some work in the evening. Today we had some rendez-vous, contacted a guy in the street and he took us to a hospital for crazy people where he actually is in right now.... needless to say, that was an interesting experience. By the end, we had like four crazies surrounding us saying bizarre things.... HAHA! We had quite a good laugh afterwards. And it has been absolutely raining cats and dogs today!!! So we are hoping that clears up soon. As much as I absolutely loved walking around in soaking pants and wet shoes and socks all day....

So anyway, that was my week, I know it wasn't too detailed but I gave you, what I could remember. It is hard to remember all of the details without my planner. Well, thank you all so much for everything. I know I say that everyweek but that is because I truly mean it. I thank you all for your prayers and your letters and the comfort and help that you constantly give me. I love you all and je vous souhaite une bonne semaine!!!! Ciao!

Elder Kirkpatrick

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